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Photo Comments on This Page Are Not Allowed – How to Solve the Facebook Error

Photo Comments on Facebook Page

Frustrated you can’t add photos to comments on Facebook pages? Here’s the fix!

Ever tried to add a fun photo to your comment on a Facebook page, only to be met with the dreaded “Photo comments on this page are not allowed” message? You’re not alone! This setting is surprisingly hidden, and many websites give incorrect solutions.

Here’s the real fix (it’s easier than you think!):

This issue happens because the page admin has disabled image uploads in comments. But there’s no specific setting for comments – it’s tied to a different option.

Follow these simple steps to enable photo comments on your Facebook page (you must be an admin):

  1. Go to your Facebook page.
  2. Click “Settings” in the top right corner.
  3. In the left menu, click “General.”
  4. Look for “Visitor Posts” on the right and click “Edit.”
  5. Choose “Allow visitors to the Page to publish Posts.”
  6. Important: Make sure “Allow photo and video posts” is enabled. (Optional) You can also enable “Review posts by other people before they are published to the page” to moderate comments.

That’s it! Now your followers can add photos to their comments, making your page more interactive and engaging.

Bonus Tip: Even though comments with photos are disabled, the page itself can still post images in comments and posts.

Need Help with Social Media Marketing?

We’re CommentsHero, a leading social media marketing agency. We can help you with everything from strategy and content creation to managing your Facebook page and other social media accounts. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation!

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Get the URL Link to Your Facebook Ad

Get the URL Link to Your Facebook Ad

Finding the URL for Your Facebook Ad:

While Facebook ads themselves don’t have unique URLs you can directly share, you can access the post or page associated with the ad and grab that link. Here’s how:

1. Access Ads Manager:

2. Locate Your Ad:

  • Click on “Ads Manager” from the left-hand menu.
  • By default, it shows “All Campaigns.” Use the dropdown menu to switch the view to “All Ads” for a complete list.
Locate Your Ad

3. Select the Ad:

  • Find the ad you want the link for.
  • To the left of each ad name, there’s a checkbox. Click the checkbox next to your desired ad.

4. Preview the Ad:

  • Once selected, a dark toolbar will appear above the list. Click the “Preview” button.

5. Find the Permalink:

  • A popup window will display your ad creative.
  • Look for a section labeled “Ad Preview” or similar.
  • Beneath the ad, you should see a link titled “View post permalink with comments” (or something similar).
Preview the Ad

6. Copy the URL:

  • Click on the “View post permalink with comments” link.
  • This will open the Facebook post or page associated with your ad in a new browser window.
  • Copy the URL from the address bar. This is the link you can share.

Additional Tips:

  • Limited Visibility: Keep in mind that depending on your privacy settings, the linked post or page might not be publicly viewable.
  • Shortened Links: If you plan to share the link on platforms with character limits (like Twitter), consider using a URL shortening service like Bitly.
  • Mobile App Limitation: Unfortunately, getting the ad URL directly within the Facebook mobile app is currently limited. It’s recommended to use a web browser on your phone or computer for this process.

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All About Buying 50 Comments on Facebook

The Insider Secret to Buying 50 Comments

How to Get More Engagement on Facebook: The Insider Secret to Buying 50 Comments

Struggling to stand out in the crowded world of Facebook? You’re not alone. Especially for new accounts, getting people to notice your posts can feel impossible. But there’s a trick many influencers and businesses use to jumpstart their engagement: buying comments.

Why Buy Comments?

  • Boost Your Visibility: On Facebook, comments are king. The more comments a post has, the more likely it is to be seen by others. Buying comments tells Facebook’s algorithm that your content is interesting, potentially leading to a higher spot in users’ feeds.
  • Social Proof Psychology: People are more likely to comment on or like a post that already has activity. Seeing comments acts as a form of social proof, subconsciously convincing others the content is worth their attention.
  • Save Time and Effort: Growing engagement organically takes time and consistent effort. Buying comments gives you a quick boost without waiting for natural interactions.

How to Buy Comments Safely

Not all comment services are created equal. Here’s how to find a reputable one:

  • Look for Quality: Avoid services promising millions of comments for a dollar. These likely use fake accounts that can hurt your credibility and violate Facebook’s terms. Instead, choose a provider like that offers comments from real Facebook users.
  • Pick Your Package: CommentsHero offers different packages depending on how many comments you want. 50 comments is a great starting point to increase engagement.
  • Submit Your Post: Once you choose a package, simply provide the URL of the Facebook post you want boosted. Make sure the post’s privacy setting is set to public so the comments can be added.
  • Relax and See the Results: Delivery time depends on the service and the number of comments, but CommentsHero usually delivers within hours.

Get the Most Out of Your Comments

  • Quality Over Quantity: Always prioritize creating engaging content your audience loves. Real engagement is more valuable than inflated numbers.
  • Talk to Your Audience: Respond to the comments you receive! This creates conversation and builds relationships with your followers. Remember, engagement feeds on itself!
  • Don’t Rely Solely on Paid Comments: Buying comments should be one tool in your social media toolbox. Combine it with regular posting, interacting with others, and even using Facebook Ads for maximum impact.

The Takeaway

Buying 50 comments on Facebook can be a strategic way to jumpstart your engagement and get your profile noticed. But remember, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. By focusing on high-quality content, actively engaging with your audience, and using a trusted service like, you can effectively grow your presence and connect with a wider audience on Facebook.

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Buy 1000 Facebook Comments Cheap

Buy 1000 Facebook Comments Cheap

Get Noticed on Facebook: The Secret to Buying 1000 Affordable Comments

Struggling to get eyes on your Facebook posts? You’re not alone. Great content is essential, but engagement is what makes it shine. Here’s why buying 1000 comments from a trusted service like can be a game-changer, and how to do it safely and cheaply.

Why Buy 1000 Facebook Comments?

  • Instant Popularity Boost: A flood of comments instantly makes your posts more appealing. 1000 comments act like a kickstarter, attracting a wider audience who see your content as popular and engaging.
  • Credibility Magic: A post with lots of comments feels more trustworthy. This “social proof” encourages others to like, share, and comment too, creating a snowball effect of engagement.
  • Save Time and Energy: Building engagement organically takes time. Buying comments is a shortcut to increased visibility and interaction without the wait.
  • Budget-Friendly Boost: Forget breaking the bank! Services like offer affordable packages to buy 1000 comments, making it a cost-effective way to stand out.

How to Buy 1000 Comments from (It’s Easy!)

  1. Visit This trusted service is known for high-quality, affordable Facebook comments.
  2. Pick Your Package: Browse their options and choose the one with 1000 comments that fits your budget.
  3. Provide Your Info: Simply enter your Facebook profile link ( protects your privacy!).
  4. Complete the Purchase: Follow the secure payment options to complete your order.
  5. Relax and Watch Engagement Grow: Once processed, delivers 1000 comments to your posts, boosting your Facebook presence in no time.

Safety First: Tips for Buying Comments

  • Choose Wisely: Stick to reputable services like to ensure safe and effective results.
  • Protect Yourself: Never share sensitive information or passwords with any service. only needs your profile link.
  • Play by the Rules: Buying comments is okay, but avoid practices that violate Facebook’s terms of service.

The Takeaway: Invest in Engagement

Buying 1000 comments from a reliable service like is a smart investment. It delivers instant popularity, boosts credibility, and is affordable. It’s the push your Facebook content needs to reach new heights. So why wait? Get the engagement you deserve and unlock a world of online possibilities today!

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Buying Facebook Comments in Russia

Buying Facebook Comments in Russia

Make Your Mark on Facebook in Russia: The Simple Guide to Buying Comments

Facebook connects millions in Russia, making it a goldmine for businesses and individuals. But with so much competition, how do you get noticed? Buying Facebook comments can be a game-changer! This guide will show you why it works and how to do it safely and easily with

Why Buy Facebook Comments in Russia?

  • Get Seen by More People: With tons of Facebook users in Russia, standing out can be tough. Buying comments helps you break through the noise and grab attention on your profile and posts.
  • Boost Your Brand: Whether you’re a solopreneur or a big company, comments signal popularity and trust. This can attract new customers and make your brand shine in the Russian market.
  • Target the Right Audience: Want to reach specific people in Russia? Buying comments lets you tailor your strategy. Attract local customers or a certain demographic – it’s up to you!

How to Buy Facebook Comments in Russia with

  1. Visit This trusted website helps you get more engagement on Facebook.
  2. Pick Your Package: offers packages specifically for users in Russia. Choose the one that fits your goals, including options with comments from Russian audiences.
  3. Fill in the Blanks: Enter your Facebook profile link and any other information needed. takes your privacy seriously and protects your data.
  4. Fine-tune Your Order (Optional): Depending on what you want, specify the number of comments and any other features you’d like.
  5. Checkout Securely: Follow the easy steps to complete your purchase securely. offers multiple payment options for your convenience.
  6. Watch Your Engagement Soar: Relax and let deliver high-quality comments to your posts. You’ll see a jump in engagement and visibility on Facebook in no time!

Buying Safe and Smart

  • Choose Wisely: Stick to reputable services like for safe and effective results.
  • Keep Your Account Safe: Never share passwords or sensitive information with any service. only needs your profile link.
  • Play by the Rules: Buying comments is okay, but always follow Facebook’s guidelines to avoid any issues.

The Takeaway: Get Noticed and Grow

Buying Facebook comments in Russia is a smart way to boost your online presence and promote your brand or business. With, it’s easy to get the engagement you need to succeed on Facebook. Don’t wait – start getting noticed in Russia today!

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How to Buy Facebook Comments Instantly

Buy Facebook Comments Instantly

Get Noticed on Facebook: The Fast Track to Buying Comments

Facebook is the king of social media, and everyone from businesses to influencers wants to stand out. The secret? Engagement! Likes and comments are like gold, making your posts look popular and trustworthy. But who has time to wait? Here’s how to buy Facebook comments instantly and take your engagement to the next level with a safe and trusted service like

Why Buy Comments Instantly?

  • Boost Credibility: A post overflowing with comments screams “trustworthy!” Buying comments instantly gives your content a credibility jumpstart, attracting more engagement from real people.
  • See Your Posts Soar: Facebook loves posts with high engagement. Buying comments instantly can push your posts to the top of news feeds, leading to way more views and organic reach.
  • Save Precious Time: Building engagement naturally takes forever. Buying comments instantly gets you the engagement you need now, freeing you up to focus on other things.

How to Buy Facebook Comments Instantly with

  1. Head to This awesome site helps you get more engagement on Facebook, fast!
  2. Pick Your Package: Browse their options and choose one that delivers comments instantly.
  3. Customize It (Optional): Depending on your needs, choose the number of comments and any other features you want, like comments from a specific region.
  4. Fill in the Blanks: Enter your Facebook profile link and any other info they need. keeps your info safe and secure.
  5. Checkout Securely: Follow the easy steps to buy your comments safely. They offer multiple payment methods for your convenience.
  6. Watch the Magic Happen: Relax and let work their magic. You’ll see high-quality comments appear on your posts instantly, boosting your engagement in a flash!

Buying Safe and Smart

  • Choose Wisely: Stick to reputable services like for safe and effective results.
  • Keep Your Account Safe: Never share passwords or sensitive information with anyone. only needs your profile link.
  • Play by the Rules: Buying comments is okay, but always follow Facebook’s guidelines to avoid any trouble.

The Takeaway: Get Seen, Get Engaged

Buying Facebook comments instantly is a strategic way to jumpstart your Facebook presence and get more eyes on your posts. With, it’s easy and safe to get the engagement you need, right now. Don’t wait – unlock instant engagement on Facebook today!

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How to Buy 30 Facebook Comments UK

Buy 30 Facebook Comments UK

Get Noticed on Facebook UK: Buy 30 Comments & Boost Your Profile

Feeling lost in the crowd on Facebook UK? You’re not alone! Standing out with so many amazing profiles can be tough. Here’s a secret weapon: buying 30 Facebook comments. It’s a quick and easy way to get noticed, and with a trusted service like, it’s safe and effective.

Why Buy 30 Comments in the UK?

  • Be Seen by More People: With millions of Facebook users in the UK, getting your posts seen is key. 30 comments give you a little jumpstart, making your posts appear more popular and attracting more attention.
  • Look More Trustworthy: People trust posts with comments more. Buying 30 comments not only gets you seen, but also makes your posts seem more credible, drawing in more likes and engagement.
  • Save Time and Effort: Building engagement naturally takes ages. Buying comments gets you the engagement you need fast, so you can focus on other things.

How to Buy 30 UK Facebook Comments with

  1. Visit This website helps you get more engagement on Facebook, the easy way.
  2. Pick Your Package: Look for the package that offers 30 Facebook comments. has options to fit your needs.
  3. Fill in the Blanks (Quick!): Enter your Facebook profile link and any other info they need. keeps your info safe and secure.
  4. Checkout Securely: Follow the steps to buy your comments safely. They offer multiple payment methods for your convenience.
  5. See the Boost! Relax and let work their magic. You’ll see high-quality comments appear on your posts in no time, boosting your engagement instantly!

Buying Safe and Smart

  • Choose Wisely: Stick to reputable services like for safe and effective results.
  • Keep Your Account Safe: Never share passwords with anyone. only needs your profile link.
  • Play by the Rules: Buying comments is okay, but always follow Facebook’s guidelines to avoid trouble.

The Takeaway: Get Seen, Get Engaged

Buying 30 Facebook comments is a smart way to jumpstart your Facebook presence in the UK. With, it’s easy and safe to get the engagement you need, right now. Don’t wait – unlock instant engagement and stand out on Facebook UK today!

Important Note: It’s also worth mentioning that while buying comments can be a helpful strategy, it’s important to focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Genuine engagement is always more valuable than inflated numbers.

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Why You Need To Buy Facebook Comments Instantly

Why You Need To Buy Facebook Comments Instantly

Get Noticed on Facebook: The Fast Track to More Engagement

Ever feel lost in the crowd on Facebook? Your amazing content deserves to be seen! Here’s a secret weapon: buying Facebook comments instantly. It’s a quick and safe way to get noticed, and with a trusted service like, it’s easy to do.

Why Buy Comments Now?

  • Be a Star: A post with lots of comments instantly looks more popular. Buying comments gives you a jumpstart, attracting more attention from others.
  • Build Trust: People trust posts with comments more. Buying comments makes your content seem more credible, drawing in more likes and engagement.
  • Save Big Time: Building engagement naturally takes forever. Buying comments gets you the buzz you need fast, so you can focus on creating more awesome content.

How to Buy Comments Instantly with

  1. Visit This website helps you get more action on Facebook, the easy way.
  2. Pick Your Package: Find the package that offers the number of comments you want. has options to fit your needs.
  3. Fill in the Blanks (Quick!): Enter your Facebook profile link and any other info they need. keeps your info safe and secure.
  4. Checkout Securely: Follow the steps to buy your comments safely. They offer multiple payment methods for your convenience.
  5. See the Magic Happen! Relax and let work their magic. You’ll see high-quality comments appear on your posts right away, boosting your engagement instantly!

Buying Safe and Smart

  • Choose Wisely: Stick to reputable services like for safe and effective results.
  • Keep Your Account Safe: Never share passwords with anyone. only needs your profile link.
  • Play by the Rules: Buying comments is okay, but always follow Facebook’s guidelines to avoid trouble.

The Takeaway: Get Seen, Get Engaged

Buying comments is a smart way to jumpstart your Facebook presence. With, it’s easy and safe to get the engagement you need, right now. Don’t wait – unlock instant engagement and stand out on Facebook today!

Important Note: Remember, while comments can help, focus on creating high-quality content that people love. Real engagement is always better than inflated numbers.

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Buy Real Comments on Facebook

Buy Real Comments on Facebook

Struggling to Get Engagement on Facebook? Buy Real Comments to Boost Your Posts!

Ever feel like your Facebook posts are falling flat? You’re not alone. Many businesses and individuals struggle to get people interacting with their content. But there’s a solution: buying real comments on Facebook.

How Real Comments Help Your Facebook Posts Thrive

  • Get More Eyes on Your Posts: More comments mean your posts appear higher in people’s feeds, naturally boosting visibility.
  • Build Trust and Credibility: Posts with lots of comments seem more trustworthy, encouraging others to engage.
  • Save Time and Energy: Growing comments organically takes time and effort. Buy real comments to free yourself up for other things.
  • Keep Your Account Safe: Reputable comment providers prioritize your safety. Your account won’t be at risk of suspension.

How to Buy Real Comments on Facebook (It’s Easy!)

  1. Choose a Reputable Seller: Look for a trusted company like CommentsHero that specializes in selling real Facebook comments.
  2. Pick a Package: Decide how many comments you need based on your goals and budget. Most providers offer customizable packages to fit your needs.
  3. Tell Them What You Want: Do you want people to ask questions, share their thoughts, or give specific feedback? You can customize the comments to match your post’s goals.
  4. Place Your Order: Follow the seller’s instructions for a secure purchase. Provide any info they need, like the URL of the post you want to boost.
  5. Relax and Watch the Engagement Grow: Once your order is processed, you’ll start seeing more comments on your post. Enjoy the increased engagement and visibility!

Buying real comments is a smart way to boost engagement, build trust, and save time on Facebook. Partner with a reputable provider and watch your social media presence soar!

Ready to take your Facebook game to the next level? Explore the options for buying real Facebook comments today and see the difference for yourself!

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Buy Facebook Comment for Cheap

Buy Facebook Comment for Cheap

Want More Engagement on Facebook? Here’s How (Without Breaking the Bank)

Ever post something on Facebook and watch the crickets chirp? We’ve all been there. Building an engaged audience takes time, but what if you could jumpstart things without spending a fortune?

Get Comments Flowing with Affordable Engagement

Imagine your post buzzing with comments! This is where buying Facebook comments comes in. It’s a strategic way to:

  • Boost Engagement Instantly: No more waiting for comments to trickle in. Get a quick shot of activity to grab attention.
  • Look More Popular: People are drawn to what’s popular. Increased comments make your profile seem more credible and interesting.
  • Reach a Wider Audience: Facebook favors posts with high engagement. More comments might mean your content gets seen by more people organically.

Why Choose CommentsHero?

We get it. You want real engagement, not some shady service with fake comments. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Real People, Real Comments: We deliver authentic comments from actual Facebook users. Your boosted engagement will look natural.
  • Budget-Friendly Prices: We offer competitive rates that won’t drain your wallet. Grow your Facebook presence without blowing your budget.
  • Simple & Fast: Buying comments is easy! Choose a package, provide your post URL, and watch the conversation flow.
  • Safe & Secure: We prioritize your privacy. We use top-notch encryption and strict practices to keep your information confidential.

Ready to Take Off?

Don’t let your awesome content get lost in the feed! Get more comments, boost your visibility, and attract new followers with our affordable Facebook comment packages.

Start today and see the difference!