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Get the URL Link to Your Facebook Ad

Get the URL Link to Your Facebook Ad

Finding the URL for Your Facebook Ad:

While Facebook ads themselves don’t have unique URLs you can directly share, you can access the post or page associated with the ad and grab that link. Here’s how:

1. Access Ads Manager:

2. Locate Your Ad:

  • Click on “Ads Manager” from the left-hand menu.
  • By default, it shows “All Campaigns.” Use the dropdown menu to switch the view to “All Ads” for a complete list.
Locate Your Ad

3. Select the Ad:

  • Find the ad you want the link for.
  • To the left of each ad name, there’s a checkbox. Click the checkbox next to your desired ad.

4. Preview the Ad:

  • Once selected, a dark toolbar will appear above the list. Click the “Preview” button.

5. Find the Permalink:

  • A popup window will display your ad creative.
  • Look for a section labeled “Ad Preview” or similar.
  • Beneath the ad, you should see a link titled “View post permalink with comments” (or something similar).
Preview the Ad

6. Copy the URL:

  • Click on the “View post permalink with comments” link.
  • This will open the Facebook post or page associated with your ad in a new browser window.
  • Copy the URL from the address bar. This is the link you can share.

Additional Tips:

  • Limited Visibility: Keep in mind that depending on your privacy settings, the linked post or page might not be publicly viewable.
  • Shortened Links: If you plan to share the link on platforms with character limits (like Twitter), consider using a URL shortening service like Bitly.
  • Mobile App Limitation: Unfortunately, getting the ad URL directly within the Facebook mobile app is currently limited. It’s recommended to use a web browser on your phone or computer for this process.

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