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Photo Comments on This Page Are Not Allowed – How to Solve the Facebook Error

Photo Comments on Facebook Page

Frustrated you can’t add photos to comments on Facebook pages? Here’s the fix!

Ever tried to add a fun photo to your comment on a Facebook page, only to be met with the dreaded “Photo comments on this page are not allowed” message? You’re not alone! This setting is surprisingly hidden, and many websites give incorrect solutions.

Here’s the real fix (it’s easier than you think!):

This issue happens because the page admin has disabled image uploads in comments. But there’s no specific setting for comments – it’s tied to a different option.

Follow these simple steps to enable photo comments on your Facebook page (you must be an admin):

  1. Go to your Facebook page.
  2. Click “Settings” in the top right corner.
  3. In the left menu, click “General.”
  4. Look for “Visitor Posts” on the right and click “Edit.”
  5. Choose “Allow visitors to the Page to publish Posts.”
  6. Important: Make sure “Allow photo and video posts” is enabled. (Optional) You can also enable “Review posts by other people before they are published to the page” to moderate comments.

That’s it! Now your followers can add photos to their comments, making your page more interactive and engaging.

Bonus Tip: Even though comments with photos are disabled, the page itself can still post images in comments and posts.

Need Help with Social Media Marketing?

We’re CommentsHero, a leading social media marketing agency. We can help you with everything from strategy and content creation to managing your Facebook page and other social media accounts. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation!